booklets to discover the exhibition
Children and teenagers visiting the Anne Frank Zentrum can explore the exhibition using our pedagogical booklets. These booklets provide orientation within the different exhibit modules, convey important information and stimulate discussion. The material is available free of charge in both German and English from the staff at the exhibition entrance and is also published online.
Booklet »Discover the Exhibition«
Our brochure »Discover the Exhibition« supports orientation in the exhibition and informs about important stations. With the booklet we would like to encourage children to think about the themes of the exhibition. The material is available for a fee in German and English from the staff* at the entrance and is also available online.
»Booklet 'All About Anne'«
The accompanying booklet supports the individual tour of young adults in the exhibition "All about Anne". It is particularly suitable for groups without an educational programme. The booklet leads to the most important stations and offers opportunities for discussion on the topics of the exhibition. The material is available for a small charge in German and English from the staff* at the entrance. It is also available on our website.